Assignment #111
/// Name: Georgi Atanasov
/// Period: 5
/// Program Name: Nesting Loops
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 5/6/2016
public class NestingLoops
public static void main( String[] args )
// this is #1 - I'll call it "CN"
for ( int n=1; n <= 3; n++ )
for ( char c='A'; c <= 'E'; c++ )
System.out.println( c + " " + n ); //varibale n in inner loop changes faster
} // when changing order of loops, the c variable changes faster
// this is #2 - I'll call it "AB"
for ( int a=1; a <= 3; a++ )
for ( int b=1; b <= 3; b++ )
System.out.print( a + "-" + b + " " ); // changing this to println turns it into a column like CN loop
Picture of the output